Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I want my baby back baby back baby back

So I now have a new favorite show (and yes I'm aware that the show has been on for years), Biggest Loser. Clif loves the show but I have never sat down and watched a full season. However, I decided after watching the first episode of this season that I would continue to watch the show. Our good friend Chris Wallace came over for din din tonight at the Rateike that kid! He reminds me of Clif, a polite Marine with manners. We had baby back BBQ ribs, jalapeno corn bread, home made mashed taters, and a refreshing salad with home made croutons. It was quite the feast. Ladies, you know how you feel like an animal chowing down trying to eat something like ribs? If I could use a fork eating those things, I totally would just to save myself the humiliation. Clif and I wanted to venture outside of grilled chicken and all the other things he has mastered on the grill. So, we decided to try some baby back ribs, and let me tell ya, Clif has now mastered the those babies! They were fantastic! Is your mouth watering yet? If not, maybe this will do it for you. I made a sauce for the ribs that consisted of the following: 

1 Tbsp Brown Sugar
1 Tbsp Paprika
2 Tsp Garlic Powder
1-1/2 Tsp Ground Black Pepper
1 Cup Sweet Baby Ray's Brown Sugar

This sauce was total success to all three of our bellies. I highly recommend the recipe next time you try ribs. 

For those of you reading my posts, I would like some communication to know that you are actually reading my posts and I'm not just writing out to thin air. So I have decided to post a question of the day for every day that I make a post and if I can remember to. So today's question, please comment on my post with your newest favorite recipe. 

I can honestly say that today was a pretty boring day, the first one I've had since I've been here. I still enjoyed it though. I think I was able to enjoy the day because I feel like I'm on a permanent vacation for 6 months since we're so close to the beach. I had a Doctors appointment this morning and that was pretty much it. haha. I was however able to get some things checked off my "to-do" list of things to do around the house, so all in all it was a productive day. I have no clue what I will consume my 24 hour day with tomorrow. Clif has to be at work at 7:30 and then he has ODO pm duty, meaning he might not get back home till 1:00 am. Ay yi yi! Good thing they cut us a grand deal with direct TV and we can get movies! Looks like it will be a movie night for me (for the pm portion of the day tomorrow anyways). 

Another question to those of you reading my posts, what book of the Bible are you currently reading and what have you learned. I just finished Galations and I'm debating where I want to start next. We just finished up with Ephesians in Bible study, that book never gets old. Good things in Ephesians!!


Clif will be going to SEAR school starting October 31 in California and will be there for two weeks. Therefore I have no plans and no company for two whole lonely weeks. So someone start making plans to come see me. Let me know in advance when you will be arriving so I have time to blow the air mattress up. haha. Seriously, all visitors welcome!!

Ok so here are the "after" pictures of the house you have all waited so patiently for:

Living Room

Master Bathroom  


Guest Bedroom

There is still work to be done here, don't judge

Guest Bathroom
Guest Bathroom


There are a few more photos, but I will upload those at a later time. I hope you enjoy these for the moment! Goodnight everyone!


  1. I love the blog idea and all of the photos. Looks like ya'll are really getting settled and becoming true North Carolinians. Miss you a lot but hope to see you soon!
    Love Dad

  2. Nan would be so proud!!!

  3. Emily...I am enjoying your blog so much! I am laughing out loud as I read it:) I wish I could come visit you while Clif is gone, but unfortunately I have I have a good come home!!! :)
